As an enterprise architect, using text-based diagrams can be a smarter approach for several reasons. Text-based diagrams offer superior portability and accessibility, as they are lightweight and can be shared as plain text files through various communication channels, reaching a broader audience without the need for specialized software. Furthermore, by being version-controlled using tools like Git, text-based diagrams facilitate seamless collaboration among team members, enabling efficient tracking of changes and supporting geographically dispersed teams. The absence of proprietary formats ensures long-term compatibility and mitigates issues related to software transitions. Additionally, integrating text-based diagrams within documentation enhances readability, provides context-rich understanding, and simplifies collaborative editing, enabling real-time updates. Overall, this method empowers architects to create clear and concise representations, while being programmatically generated from data sources, enhancing automation, consistency, and accessibility for all stakeholders.

I found Mermaid to be good enough for small use cases. However, for more complex diagrams others like PlantUML is more suitable. However, Mermaid has the potential to become a strong contender as they rollout new features.

Key benefit of using Mermaid - No server installation. Entire diagrams are rendered using JavaScript in the browser.

As a test case, I took a lesson from The Ultimate Azure API Management course and tried to capture a sequence diagram and configuration steps using Timeline Diagram

%%{init: {'sequence': { 'mirrorActors': false, 'rightAngles': true, 'messageAlign': 'center', 'actorFontSize': 20, 'actorFontWeight': 900, 'noteFontSize': 18, 'noteFontWeight': 600, 'messageFontSize': 14}}}%%
%%{init: {'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': {'labelBoxBkgColor': 'lightgrey', 'labelBoxBorderColor': '#000000', 'actorBorder': '#D86613', 'actorBkg': '#ffffff', 'activationBorderColor': '#232F3E', 'activationBkgColor': '#D86613', 'noteBkgColor': 'rgba(255, 153, 0, .25)', 'noteBorderColor': '#232F3E'}}}%%

    title Sequence diagram to call API Service using Azure B2C Active directory
    participant User
    participant AzureAD as Azure Active Directory
    participant APIService as Azure API Services
    participant AzureFunctions as Azure Functions

    note over AzureAD: 1. Authenticate with AzureAD B2C Tenant

    User ->>+ AzureAD: Authenticate
    AzureAD ->> AzureAD: Execute signin-signup policy
    AzureAD ->>- User: Authenticated - Return UserObjectId

    note over APIService: 2. Authorization user with AzureAD B2C Tenant
    User ->>+ APIService: Request Authorization
    APIService ->>+ AzureAD: Authorize - UserObjectId/ClientId/Secret/Scope
    AzureAD -->>- APIService: jwt-token
    APIService -->>- User: jwt-token

    note over APIService: 3. Call REST Service
    User ->>+ APIService: Invoke Products Service with jwt token
    APIService ->> APIService: jwt-validate-policy
    APIService ->>+ AzureFunctions: Call function method
    AzureFunctions -->>- APIService: Product details response
    APIService ->> APIService: Apply transformation policy
    APIService -->>- User: Products Data
%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'default' , 'themeVariables': {
              'cScale0': '#ff0055', 'cScaleLabel0': '#000',
              'cScale1': '#b3ffd9',
              'cScale2': '#99bbff',
              'cScale3': '#001155', 'cScaleLabel3': '#ffffff'
       } } }%%

    title Configuration - Securing API using Azure AD B2C
    section Config - Azure AD B2C
    Register BackendApp : Goto App Registration
                         : Register BackendApp
                         : Goto Certificates and Secrets
                         : Create a secret
                         : Goto Expose API
                         : Create App Id Uri and scope
                         : Save ClientId, Secret & Scope
    Register PortalApp  : Goto App Registration
                         : Register PortalApp - using Developer portal for this exercise
                         : Goto Certificates and Secrets
                         : Create a secret
                         : Save ClientId & Secret
                         : Add Authentation URL after configuring API Management services

    Create User flow     : Goto Policies
                         : Create Signup-Signin user flow
                         : Attributes - Select Return Claim - userObjectId

    section Config - Azure Function
    Create Azure Function: Create FunctionApp
                         : Create new function
                         : Authentication - Add Identity Provider
                         : Select Microsoft as Provider
                         : Provide BackendApp details (ClientId/Secret)
                         : Issuer Url - Signup-Signin user flow URL
                         : NOTE- Connected Azure function to BackendApp registered in Azure B2C

    section Config - API Management
    Azure API Management Configuration : Import Function app
                         : Goto - Config OAuth 2.0
                         : Set- Auth endpoint url
                         : Set- Token endpoint Url
                         : Set- Default Scope to BackendApp
                         : Set- ClientId and Secret to BackendApp values
                         : Save - Authorization grant flow url 
Use this value to set Authentication flow in PortalApp
See Auth Flow step under Register Portal App : Configure Identities - Add identity Provider : Configure OAuth2.0 for API service section Test using Developer Portal Azure Developer Portal: Register user account : Validate user creation in AzureAD B2C tenant : Test API Service

Source code for Sequence diagram

%%{init: {'sequence': { 'mirrorActors': false, 'rightAngles': true, 'messageAlign': 'center', 'actorFontSize': 20, 'actorFontWeight': 900, 'noteFontSize': 18, 'noteFontWeight': 600, 'messageFontSize': 14}}}%%
%%{init: {'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': {'labelBoxBkgColor': 'lightgrey', 'labelBoxBorderColor': '#000000', 'actorBorder': '#D86613', 'actorBkg': '#ffffff', 'activationBorderColor': '#232F3E', 'activationBkgColor': '#D86613', 'noteBkgColor': 'rgba(255, 153, 0, .25)', 'noteBorderColor': '#232F3E'}}}%%

    title Sequence diagram to call API Service using Azure B2C Active directory
    participant User
    participant AzureAD as Azure Active Directory
    participant APIService as Azure API Services
    participant AzureFunctions as Azure Functions

    note over AzureAD: 1. Authenticate with AzureAD B2C Tenant

    User ->>+ AzureAD: Authenticate
    AzureAD ->> AzureAD: Execute signin-signup policy
    AzureAD ->>- User: Authenticated - Return UserObjectId

    note over APIService: 2. Authorization user with AzureAD B2C Tenant
    User ->>+ APIService: Request Authorization
    APIService ->>+ AzureAD: Authorize - UserObjectId/ClientId/Secret/Scope
    AzureAD -->>- APIService: jwt-token
    APIService -->>- User: jwt-token

    note over APIService: 3. Call REST Service
    User ->>+ APIService: Invoke Products Service with jwt token
    APIService ->> APIService: jwt-validate-policy
    APIService ->>+ AzureFunctions: Call function method
    AzureFunctions -->>- APIService: Product details response
    APIService ->> APIService: Apply transformation policy
    APIService -->>- User: Products Data

Source code for Timeline

%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'default' , 'themeVariables': {
              'cScale0': '#ff0055', 'cScaleLabel0': '#000',
              'cScale1': '#b3ffd9',
              'cScale2': '#99bbff',
              'cScale3': '#001155', 'cScaleLabel3': '#ffffff'
      } } }%%

    title Configuration - Securing API using Azure AD B2C
    section Config - Azure AD B2C
    Register BackendApp : Goto App Registration
                        : Register BackendApp
                        : Goto Certificates and Secrets
                        : Create a secret
                        : Goto Expose API
                        : Create App Id Uri and scope
                        : Save ClientId, Secret & Scope
    Register PortalApp  : Goto App Registration
                        : Register PortalApp - using Developer portal for this exercise
                        : Goto Certificates and Secrets
                        : Create a secret
                        : Save ClientId & Secret
                        : Add Authentation URL after configuring API Management services

    Create User flow     : Goto Policies
                        : Create Signup-Signin user flow
                        : Attributes - Select Return Claim - userObjectId

    section Config - Azure Function
    Create Azure Function: Create FunctionApp
                        : Create new function
                        : Authentication - Add Identity Provider
                        : Select Microsoft as Provider
                        : Provide BackendApp details (ClientId/Secret)
                        : Issuer Url - Signup-Signin user flow URL
                        : NOTE- Connected Azure function to BackendApp registered in Azure B2C

    section Config - API Management
    Azure API Management Configuration : Import Function app
                        : Goto - Config OAuth 2.0
                        : Set- Auth endpoint url
                        : Set- Token endpoint Url
                        : Set- Default Scope to BackendApp
                        : Set- ClientId and Secret to BackendApp values
                        : Save - Authorization grant flow url <br> Use this value to set Authentication flow in PortalApp <br> See Auth Flow step under Register Portal App
                        : Configure Identities - Add identity Provider
                        : Configure OAuth2.0 for API service

    section Test using Developer Portal
    Azure Developer Portal: Register user account
                          : Validate user creation in AzureAD B2C tenant
                          : Test API Service

References :