
Prompt Engineering - Productivity in Hyperdrive

In my recent data engineering quest, I had to wrangle data from seven sources and fill our data warehouse using Azure Data Factory. The end result? Twenty-one pipelines doing a synchronized dance, populating twenty-six tables. Back in the pre-ChatGPT era, this Herculean task would’ve demanded three full-time heroes for six months. Enter ChatGPT: in just five months, with the power of 1.25 FTEs, Mission Accomplished. But that’s not all! ChatGPT Playground’s prompts turned me into a coding sorcerer....

February 3, 2024 · 3 min
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API Pagination in the wild

In the dynamic API economy, service providers acknowledge the crucial role of API monetization in creating revenue streams. APIs have evolved into the backbone of modern software development, facilitating seamless data exchange between applications. As their complexity and usage increase, the need for efficient data retrieval becomes paramount. Recognizing the symbiotic relationship between API monetization and effective data handling is key for service providers to navigate the evolving landscape successfully, ensuring not only a seamless user experience but also the maximization of revenue potential....

January 31, 2024 · 3 min

Azure Data Factory Copy Activity: The Swiss Army Knife of Data Integration

Think of Azure Data Factory’s Copy Activity as the Swiss Army knife of data integration. Just as a Swiss Army knife combines various tools into one compact design, Copy Activity seamlessly combines multiple data integration functions into a single, powerful feature. Versatility: Just like a Swiss Army knife’s ability to handle various tasks, Copy Activity connects to diverse data sources and destinations, whether they’re in the cloud or on-premises. Efficiency: Like a Swiss Army knife’s efficiency in handling different tasks, Copy Activity streamlines data movement and transformation in a single step....

August 28, 2023 · 3 min

Digital Twins: Bridging the Physical and Virtual Worlds

In a world fueled by technology, the concept of Digital Twins has emerged as a groundbreaking bridge between the physical and digital realms. Imagine having a virtual counterpart for real-world objects, processes, or systems that mimics their behavior and characteristics in real time. This technology is not just about static models – it’s about creating dynamic, synchronized virtual entities that offer a wealth of benefits across industries. Digital Twins rely on a mix of technologies like IoT, data analytics, machine learning, and cloud computing....

August 12, 2023 · 2 min
Azure API Management

Secure Azure APIs using Azure B2C Active Directory - Sequence Diagram using Mermaid.js

As an enterprise architect, using text-based diagrams can be a smarter approach for several reasons. Text-based diagrams offer superior portability and accessibility, as they are lightweight and can be shared as plain text files through various communication channels, reaching a broader audience without the need for specialized software. Furthermore, by being version-controlled using tools like Git, text-based diagrams facilitate seamless collaboration among team members, enabling efficient tracking of changes and supporting geographically dispersed teams....

July 24, 2023 · 6 min

Azure Landscape

This powerpoint presentation of various tiers in Microsoft Azure Cloud implementation. With the architecture in-place, I want to answer the question “How can you leverage Generative AI to build and maintain this infrastructure?” This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office. Full PowerPoint presentation

May 21, 2023 · 1 min

WIP - API Management Concepts

WIP - Putting my thoughts together a future article on Azure API Management. Policies Authentication Policies Access Restriction Policy Caching Policy Cross Domain Policies Transformation Policies Advanced Policies Microservice Microservices are fine grained loosely coupled services communicating through light-weight protocols. Azure functions versus Docker. Portability versus serverless API Management API Mangagement is a process of creating and publishing web application programming interfaces. Enforce usage policies, control access and analyse usage statistics

May 21, 2023 · 1 min

WIP - Application Platforms

WIP - A future article on Enterprise Application Platforms Platforms: JBoss, Microsoft Entity Framework Core, SpringBoot Applications: Web apps, REST services, SOA, JMS messaging Layers: Presentation layer, Buiness Layer, Database Layer (use mermaid.js for text to Illustration) Key concepts: Dependency Injection: Promotes loose coupling .. examples ??? Aspect Orient Programming: Apply application wide services to an application in a declarative fashion Logging, Transactions, Security POJO - Plain Old java object...

May 21, 2023 · 1 min